Trusted-Doctor is the world's #1 place for finding trusted doctors. Every doctor is manually verified extensively, and only top doctors get the Trusted-Doctor seal of trust.
Finding a trusted-doctor for you comes with a lot of benefits:
Every doctor is throughly analyzed and awarded the trusted-doctor seal of trust
You'll have access to our top-rated Search Engine to find the best doctor for you!
Lot's of Doctors providing you Second Opinion
At Trusted-Doctor, money DOES NOT buy a higher rating for ANY doctor!
We are 100% free – no advertisements, no selling your data
Our team is comprised of medical/dental professionals who want to give back to the community. We are being funded by a 501c (3) non-profit organization.
We're Secure!
We encrypt all data to military-grade security
Only you have access to your data
We authenticate you using Google or Facebook. This ensures that we never have access to your password
We aim to be more than just being HIPAA compliant and your data is not visible to anyone
Our server use SSL (Secure Socket Layers) and public key infrastructure that uses the RSA method of encryption and authentication via security certificates,
It helps to establish a secure connection between the client and the server through the secure protocol HTTPS
We're Free!
Yes, we are 100% free – no advertisements, no selling your data. Our team is comprised of medical/dental professionals who want to give back to the community. We are being funded by a 501c (3) non-profit organization
Enter your information and verify account if registered by email
Register as a patient
Start finding Trusted-Doctors! - It's that simple!
Only the "best-in-class" doctors for you!
All our registered trusted-doctors are individually verified and assured by us.
The doctor will be "rated" according to the reviews by users like you!
No Advertisements!
We are funded by a 100% non-profit company.
On trusted-doctor, money cannot buy value for any doctor.
Absolutely NO cheating or "selling" your data for money like other platforms do.
Avoid Risk of Infection with our Telehealth service!
You can avoid risk of catching infections which are most probable to happen!
Consult the best doctor for you more effectively with our service!
Save your time and money!
Reduce visiting your doctor 3-4 hours a week! You can catch-up on your travel expenses.
Using our telehealth platform, you can consult your doctor - anytime, anywhere.
Taking appointments has never been easier!
All trusted-doctors have web-appointment service. You can click on their profile and propose time when you want the appointment. If trusted-doctors can see you at those times, then they can confirm the appointment and both of you would get a confirmation email. If trusted-doctor are not available at those times, they can propose a time to you and you can see if those time work for you
Second-Opinion on your fingertips!
In any complex medical case, it's hard to get a second opinion!
Get second opinion from doctors and speciality around the world!!!
Find doctor who provides second opinion
Make payment
Upload and share documents
Ask a question
Get doctor opinion
Free access to secure share!
Share your documents securely to a doctor through our Secure-share feature!
Avoid there being any third person in between! Only you and the doctor can see the sent files!
Good news! - Your doctor will also use the same feature to share necessary information with a lab or external agency or doctor so that the information is safeguarded!
Don't miss-out on!
Our platform is growing exponentially with time - new doctors verified & consulted by thousands of patients every minute!
Trusted doctor ( is a California; the USA based Artificial Intelligence company that is developing creative solutions to empower Dentists, Chiropractors, Optometrists, and other doctors worldwide.
We excel in cloud collaboration, web-appointments, patient education, and most importantly, in bringing trust and confidence for both doctors and patients. To be a trusted doctor, they need to have good references and work history. Every doctor's credentials are manually verified before they are allowed to be part of the trusted-doctor ecosystem.
Additionally, one of the immense pain for doctors is "patient review websites." Many companies are doing it; however, those companies tend to be biassed towards advertising on their platform. This has caused frustration for many great doctors who are good. However, they are penalized directly or indirectly by "patient review websites" since they don't pay. "would not" and "shall not" take any money "in any form" to promote any doctor or show them as sponsored results on top.
All the doctors would be ranked without bias based on reviews from patients and the value the trusted doctor provides to the community. The company is building advanced data science AI algorithms to make sure the system remains honest and transparent.
Every trusted-doctor gets their personalized profile page; this helps doctors get high visibility on the internet and other websites like Google, Yahoo, Bing, Facebook, etc. helps patients get a second opinion, and their primary doctors can refer them to other trusted doctors. This way, patients can have peace of mind. Think about it, a patient in India or China can get a second opinion on their medical condition from a doctor in the USA or Europe.
To ensure success for this noble mission, the company is supported by a 501c(3) non-profit. This ensures that both doctors and patients can get excellent services. Anyone willing to join or be listed on the trusted-doctor website can send an email to
Help Choosing Role
Admin + Trusted Doctor: If you are an "office manager" and "doctor"
Admin: If you are an office manager and 'not' a doctor
Trusted-Doctor: Doctor working in your office
Office Staff: People who work in your office apart from managers and doctors
General Purpose User: An account which is not for a specific person and can be used by anyone in office